The Code Editor for Web APIs

Build best-practice backend services in seconds.

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Vast screenshot
Desktop app icon
Fast, intuitive desktop app
Architecture icon
Works with your existing tools
Best-practice code icon
Built-in swagger, validation and more
Architecture icon
Modular, best-practice architecture

Low code? Think again

Vast might look like a low code platform, but it behaves like an IDE. It reads and writes code on your machine with no barriers or limitations. Use Vast to get set up fast, then switch to your IDE to write custom code.

An animation of Vast editing code in real-time

Automated API scaffolding

Vast generates all the API endpoints, payloads, responses and documentation you need to get your application up and running. Your app will have a Swagger page and payload validation out of the box.

APIs generated by Vast

Configuration Management

Easily split your application's features into reusable libraries. Vast lets you create configuration settings, so your libraries can behave differently based on the current environment.

Vast configuration management screenshot
NestJS logo
Apps built with Vast are based on NestJS, so you can extend & customize them freely.