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Routes are the individual endpoints within a controller. Each route determines how a specific type of request (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) is handled. They define the paths and parameters clients can use to interact with your API.

Creating Routes

Routes must be created from inside a controller. Click on the + New Route button:

Create a route

Configuring Routes

To configure a route's name, path, method and other details, click on the route in the controller. This will open the route's settings in the right-hand panel:

Configure a route

Route Name

The title of the route is displayed in the right-hand sidebar. You can click on this title to edit the route's name. This name must be unique to the controller.


A route's name is just used for dislpay purposes in Vast Studio. It does not affect the route's URL path. We recommend using a descritive name like createUser or getUserById to make it easier to identify the route's purpose.

Route Path

The Route's path determines the URL that clients will use to access the route. This path is relative to the controller's path. For example, if the controller's path is /products, and the route's path is /create, the full URL path will be /products/create.

You can include parameters in the path using the syntax :parameterName. For example, a route path of /products/:productId would match a URL path of /products/123.

Including parameters in the route path will add a section to the right-hand sidebar where you can define the parameter's data type:

Editing route path parameters

Route Method

The route method determines the type of request that the route will handle. You can select from GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD, and ALL.

Request and Response Bodies

You can define the input and output structure for your route by configuring the request and response bodies. These may be primitive data types (string, number, etc) or defined using schemas, which allows you to specify the required fields, data types, and validation rules for the data that the route will accept and return.

Route Querystring Parameters

Querystring parameters are variables passed in the URL after a question mark characted. For example, in the URL /products?category=electronics, category is a querystring parameter.

Vast Studio allows you to define querystring parameters as a schema, where each schema property corresponds to a valid querystring parameter.


Querystring parameters do not support nested objects or arrays.

Renaming Routes

To rename a route, click on its title in the right-hand sidebar and type a new name:

Rename a route

Defining Route Logic

Vast Studio allows you to define the route's structure before switching to your code IDE to implement the business logic. Once your routes are built in Vast you have the flexibilty to implement the route logic using your prefered techniques and tools.

Deleting Routes

A route can be deleted by clicking on the ellipsis icon in the heading of the right-hand sidebar and selecting Delete.